Hey Friend,
I'm Kaylin, and I used to overthink everything- which took away my confidence and left me feeling like my feet were frozen to the ground.
I couldn't take action on anything, and then I just watched as my life passed me by.

Does that sound a little too familiar?
I bet you're tired of feeling like you aren't moving forward, while everyone else seems to be getting along with life.
Left behind.
Meant for more.
That's why I put together Empower Your Life- to help you stop overthinking and to start feeling empowered to take action in your life.
To empower means to make someone stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

Whats included in Empower Your Life, the free mini course for overthinkers?
You will get four email lessons over the course of four days. Each email contains a short video lesson- less than 7 minutes long.
Day 1: Self Awareness and discovering how you are giving away your power.
-You are tired of forgiving people over and over even though they never change. You are too worried that you might offend them if you don't continue to let them get away with it. You spend so much time trying to humble yourself, to the point of denying your gifts and talents just to avoid bragging or getting too much attention. You are giving away your own power.
Day 2: Self Compassion and using the concept of Non Judgment to stop holding yourself back.
-How many times a day do you have the perfectionism thought of "Not good enough" bouncing around in your head? It's all. the. time. Your own load, your own burden gets so heavy because you try and hide your struggles from others, you don't want to be a burden on them.
Day 3: Self Acceptance and getting serious about self care.
-When you're in your perfectionist, overthinking spiral, do you ever allow yourself to just take a step back and rest? Or are you a "must push through this" person? You're so exhausted! Your random or chronic physical pain that gets worse the more stressed out you become? That's because you are too busy worrying about everyone else and not accepting that you need to take care of yourself too.
Day 4: Self Expression and learning to say "No."
-You need to set some boundaries in your relationships, but you're afraid to hurt anyone's feelings. You take on too much- at work, at home, with the kids, with your friends- you don't have any time left for yourself. ​